Christmas Night On the Farm
“No matter the reason, I find that with each passing Christmas, my story of the “Christmas Night on The Farm” is a story that needs to be shared more and more. Similar to the story, The Night Before Christmas, This story is very touching!
God has placed it on my heart to write this book for future generations to read what I can tell the world. I believe the words will inspire someone to pass on the love to others. And it is, after all, my story.”
The Story
Maria begins this children’s book with a vision of Christmas Eve, at her grandmothers farm, recalling memories from a moment in time, on the meaning of Christmas.
So, begins this touching story of the writer own childhood memories in her debut children’s book. Christmas Night on the Farm is the brilliantly illustrated story of a girl’s memories of her family’s holiday season in the mid-1960s on a rural Arkansas farm.
This book is Dedicated To…
This book is dedicated in the memory of my sister, Wannette “Jeannie” Ryan, “Uncle Odus” Collins and “Grandma” Lillie Ella Collins. Much love to my husband, Archie Hoskins, my brother, “Freddy” McClure, and “Papa” Alvin Gill in appreciation for all of the support they give me. To my “Mom,” Berthenia L. Gill, thank you for so many wonderful memories and great times spent on the Collins Farm in Mayflower, Arkansas.
Childhood memories stay with us all of our lives. As parents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, or caregivers, it is up to us to instill good memories in the minds of those we care for. I pray that my children, Christina and Victoria, will forever recall heartfelt stories based on love that will bring smiles to their faces and joy to their hearts.
As the author of this book, I pray each reader gets a glimpse of how happy life was on a little farm in Mayflower, Arkansas during the celebration of Christmas–with not many presents but with a whole lot of love. Merry Christmas memories and blessings to all of you!
Special thanks to Lauren Crymes for bringing to life precious memories in the illustrations she created for my book Christmas Night on the Farm. In addition, many special thanks to Patrick Oliver and his staff at for consulting and guiding me to create this children’s’ book project. Also, I would like to thank my editor, Patrice Gaines, for editing all of my project documents; Garbo Hearne and her staff at Hearne Fine Art Gallery for planting the seed to start this project; church and community leaders who provided guidance and discipline; and most of all my family and friends who encouraged me. Your support and direction is very much appreciated!
0986403636 (ISBN13: 9780986403637)